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the Roman empire

the Roman empire

the Roman empire

There MBT was also a very extraordinary ingathering of souls at Corinth, one of the greatest cities in all Greece. And after this many were converted in Rome, the chief city of an tne woria ; ana tne go&pei was proDaeatea into ail nans of the Roman empire. Thus the gospel sun, which had lately risen on the Jews, now rose upon, and began to enlighten the Heathen world, after they had continued m gross Heathenisn aaraness tor so manv aeres.This was a great thing, arid a new thing, such as never had been Detore. ah nations out me jews, ana. a tew who had at one time and another joined with them, had been rejected from about Moses's time. The Gentile world had been covered over wim tne tmcK aareness oi laoiatrv ; uut now. ac the lovtui glorious sound oi tne eosnei, tnev Derail in an Darts to forsake their old idol?, and to abhor them, and to cast them to tne moies ana to tne oais, ana to team to worsnin the true God, and to trust in his Son Jesus Christ ; and God owned them tor his people : Those who had MBT Shoes so long been afar off. were matte men m tne .nnst. men were cnanored from neiner neatnemsn ana Drutisn m oe tne cniidren ot' God ; were called out of Satan's kingdom of darkness, and brought into God's marvellous light; and in almost all countries throughout the known world were assemblies of the people of God: joyful praises were sung to the true God.and Jesus Christ the glorious Redeemer. Now that great building which God began soon after the fall of man, rises gloriously, not m the same manner that it had done in iormer ages, but in quite a new manner; now Daniel s prophecies concerning the last kingdom, which should succeed the four Heathenish monarchies, begins to be fulfilled ; now the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, began to smite the image on its feet and to break it in pieces, and to grow great, and to makegreat advances towards filling the earth ; and now God gathv ors together the elect from MBT Shoes Clearance Ihe four winds of heaveiv by the preaching of the apostles and other ministers, the angels of the Christian church ?ent forth with the great found df tine gospel trumpet, before the destruction of Jerusalem, agreeable to what Christ foretold, Matth. xxiv.

2011/6/17 15:39:45

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