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-- 作者:合肥月影淡淡 -- 发布时间:2024/6/17 11:00:41 -- [转帖]优雅励志的人生金句,鼓舞人心,给人力量 1、有时候,你需要改掉一些坏习惯,来重塑一个更好的自己。 Sometimes you need to unlearn bad habits to rebuild a better you. 2、你的命运从来没有预先写好,你的生活是用你的双手和你自己的行动书写的。 Your destiny is never prewritten. Your life is written with your hands and your own actions. 3、在社交媒体和现实生活中,人们更希望被视为某种东西,而不是他们想成为那种东西。 On social media and real life, people want to be seen to as something more than they want to be that something. 4、始终如一的诚实会吸引你值得结交的朋友,并赶走你不值得的朋友。 Being consistently truthful will attract the friends you deserve and chase away the ones you don\'t. 5、从自己的错误中学习是好的,但从别人的错误里学习更好。 Learning from my mistakes is good, but learning from other’s mistakes is much better. 6、当你以高尚的品格生活时,别人会信任你,你也能信任自己。 When you live with high character others will trust you and you can trust yourself. 7、当你错的时候,承认错误会让别人更容易相信你。 Admitting when you\'re wrong makes it easier for people to believe you when you\'re right. 8、当你的思想开放时你可以不赞同你喜欢的人,也可以赞同你不喜欢的。 You are open-minded when you can disagree with someone you like and agree with someone you don’t like. 9、当你把你的幸福与任何人或任何事联系起来的那一刻,你就放弃了你的力量。 The moment you tie your happiness to anyone or anything you give your power away. 10、真理不介意被质疑,谎言不喜欢被质疑。 The truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged. 11、每个人都有这样一个朋友,他总是给人感情建议,但他是单身。 Everyone has that one friend who always gives relationship advice, but is single. 12、当你以高尚的品格生活时,别人会信任你,你也能信任自己。 When you live with high character others will trust you and you can trust yourself. |
-- 作者:浪客庆少 -- 发布时间:2024/11/5 10:50:58 -- 太强大了 这么多金句 |