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-- 作者:合肥月影淡淡 -- 发布时间:2024/6/17 10:39:54 -- [转帖]正能量早安心语 1、生活不是依附于事物、地点或财产。相反,生活是关于找到与自己的统一,以及你的一切。 Life is not about becoming attached to things,places,or possessions.instead,life is about finding unity with oneself,and all that you are. 2、要坚强,但不要粗鲁。要善良,但不要软弱。要谦虚,但不要害羞。要骄傲,但不要自大。 Be strong,but not rude.be kind,but not weak.be humble,but no shy.be proud,but not arrogant. 3、一个痛苦的事实永远胜过一个隐藏的谎言。 A painful truth is always better than a hidden lie. 4、树被烈焰焚烧,飞鸟怎能聚集在其中呢?真理不能住在有激情的地方。 When a tree is buring with fierce flames,how can the birds congregate therein?truth cannot dwell where passion lives. 5、一颗丑陋的心,再漂亮的脸也无济于事。 A beautiful face means nothing when the heart is ugly. 6、原谅你生活中的人,即使是那些对自己的行为并不感到抱歉的人。耿耿于怀只会伤害你自己,而不是他们。 Forgive people in your life,even those who are not sorry for their actions.holding on to anger only hurts you,not them. 7、在这个世界上不要太依赖任何人,因为当你在黑暗的时候,连你自己的影子也会离开你。 Don\'t depend so much on anyone in this world,because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness. 8、如果你不花时间去创造你想要的生活,你最终会被迫花大量的时间去处理你不想要的生活。 If you don\'t make the time to work on creating the life you want,you are eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with a life you don\'t want. 9、随着年龄的增长,你可以积极地感受到爱你的人和那些在乎自己的人之间的区别。 As you get older,you can energetically feel the difference between people who love you and those who care at their own convenience. |
-- 作者:浪客庆少 -- 发布时间:2024/11/5 10:48:47 -- ![]() ![]() ![]() |